TERRA ROSSA - Press release
Press release
2013, November
Severely limited quantities of the
2013 TERRA ROSSA olive oil
2013, November
Severely limited quantities of the
2013 TERRA ROSSA olive oil
The 2013 vintage of the TERRA ROSSA extra native olive oil has exceeded all expectations. Despite a very small crop an outstanding olive oil could be produced that achieves sensational levels of both consistency and flavor.
The reason for the crop shortfall was a pest that affected the eastern Mediterranean region and led to this loss. Nature lies at our heart, for TERRA ROSSA is one of only a few officially certified organic olive oil producers in the region.
Our organic cultivation and our commitment to strictly adhere to these requirements mean that we consciously use no chemicals and accept the loss of 80 percent of the usual harvest. Organic farming means working together with nature, through good times and bad. TERRA ROSSA is convinced that organic production is the correct path for sustainable and future-oriented agriculture. Together with leading organic pest controllers, we will look for a natural way to prevent such a shortfall next year.
As a result of this situation, we unfortunately only have a severely limited batch of 400 bottles of the 2013 TERRA ROSSA olive oil available for sale. We are however convinced that our customers value this contribution to nature and will remain loyal to us. We are therefore delighted to be able to offer the few drops of this excellent vintage and look forward to a fruitful 2014.
Daniel Bellani as official olive oil sensory expert is personally available to answer any questions concerning the production of the TERRA ROSSA olive oil. Contact him at www.terra-rossa.hr.
TERRA ROSSA is member of the AGRI BIO CERT cooperation, Croatia.More information: www.agribiocert.hr